Pentens T-007 Cement Modifier / Primer
Pentens T-007, 100% acrylic cement modifier is based on a proven 100% acrylic polymer design to improve the chemical, corrosion, moisture and salt resistance of cement renders. It is superior to more common PVA and SBR based modifiers because of its superior durability and resistance to hydrolysis. It has been specifically formulated for use in highly alkaline cement environments. Cement mortars based on Pentens T-007 will adhere to a wide range of materials such as metals, timber, insulation foams as well as new and old concrete.
Not only used as the waterproofing primer, but also used as an additive in cement mortars, renders, patching / repair work, GRC panels, and waterproof cementitious coatings.
Pentens T-100 Water Based PU Bituminous Waterproofing Mambrane Coating
Pentens T-100 is a single component which is newly developed polymer of MMA, natural rubber, and polyurethane combines with the reaction with asphalt and then being modified and further emulsified to form elastic waterproof membrane.
To provide a better water and vapor-proof in complicating application surface compare to membrane-type and ensure better integrity between applied surfaces and waterproofing coating.
Pentens T-200H UV-Resistant Polyurethane Coating
Pentens T-200H is based on a newly developed Water based Polyurethane and Acrylic Polymers. It is dramatically reduces solar heat absorption in either air-conditioned or non-air conditioned buildings. It takes the majority of the heat load off a building’s skin and reduces temperatures to approximately that of outside shade.
Pentens T-200H is a one-part elastomeric cross linking latex copolymer emulsion designed as exposed waterproofing coating.
Pentens T-202 Solar Reflective Ceramic Coating
PENTENS T-202 is a single component, water based, ready mixed hollow ceramic capsules , acrylic based, coarse textured decorative and protective coating finish over prepared concrete, masonry and steel structures.
As a decorative and protective finish coat of concrete, masonry, cement plaster, stucco and PENTENS Thermal Insulation System.
Exterior and interior applications. Wall, floor, overhead surfaces
Pentens L-210 (WP-5) Synthetic Rubber Based, Waterproof Thermal Insulation Coating
Pentens L-210 is a multifunctional synthetic rubber based waterproofing product. The use of ultra high pressure water
jet cutting process treated recycled rubber granules to replace the greater part of conventional fillers andaggregates in product formulation, up to 40% of the total product weight, makes Pentens L-210 an eco-friendly coating with extraordinary physical properties.

Pentens T-250 Colorful Wear-Resistant Surface Coating
PENTENS T-250 is a specially formulated mineral based coating system of inorganic nature for both exterior and interior use. As a decorative and protective finish, PENTENS T-250 has outstanding durability. When applied correctly to a suitable backing, it will neither flake nor peel. What makes PENTENS T-250 durable is an acrylic-based resin and selected pigments to which are added mica, hollow ceramics, and fine hard aggregates, to ensure long life and special anti-slip properties. PENTENS T-250 also contains a biocide which combats bacterial and fungus growth.
Pentens T-304 High Lastic Cementitious Coating
Pentens T-304 is elastic, thixotropic two pack material consisting of high solids polymer with modified cement bound mineral powder.
Pentens T-304 is paintable and has high adhesion with concrete / masonry surfaces. The coating of Pentens T-304
possesses high flexural and tensile strength and thus elastic in nature. Pentens T-304 is free from chlorides and any other corrosive substances.
Pentens T-305TH Flex Cementitious Coating
Pentens T-305TH is a cement based waterproofing coating incorporates 2 polymer components. Apply directly to concrete and mortar to prevent water infiltration.
Pentens T-305TH can be used for positive and negative side waterproofing, sealing of hair line cracks and as a protective coating against aggressive chemicals such as carbon dioxide (eg. in concrete repair work), frost and de-icing agents.
Pentens T-308 Crystalline Waterproofing Admixture
PENTENS T-308 is a reactive crystalline type waterproofing material which is formulated by proprietary blends of chemicals (mainly organic and inorganic salts), quartz, sand and cement. PENTENS T-308 is an environmentally friendly and low VOC material. It is an integral waterproofing system that added to batches of concrete during mixing process. The active waterproofing chemicals which react with moisture and free lime in the concrete or cement-based materials, it causes a catalytic reaction that creates long chained complexes a non-soluble crystalline formation which crystallizes in the pores and capillary tracks.
Pentens Q-Set Plasticising Acclerator
PENTENS Q-SET is a liquid form cement admixture and also is a ready to use. PENTENS Q-SET only addition of cement/concrete to produce an ultra fast setting mortar. In addition, it helps to reduce shrinkage, improve workability of the mixtures, resulting in increase early strength of the concrete and also allow the water/cement ratio to be reduced.
Pentens DR WALL Efflorescence Treatment Coating
PENTENS DR. WALL is a rich combination of organic and inorganic chemical composition plus specific modification of quartz sand, cement and concrete. A special formula design for the construction surface layer (paint layer).
PENTENS DR. WALL can be used in concrete or cement catalytic substrate. It effectively suppresses the efflorescence.
- Strong surface contact power with special crystal generation material.
- Provide waterproofing from negative side.
- Easy application by coating.
Pentens W-015 Akali Resistant Fiber Glass Mesh
Pentens W-015, is a ready-to-use, thin, strong yet flexible, alkali-resistant mesh for embedment with waterproofing
and crack isolation membranes commercial floors walls and ceilings. Fiberglass Mesh reinforces and improves theperformance of waterproofing membranes when appliedover cracks, coves and corners and around drains onresidential and commercial applications. Fiberglass Meshcan be cut to size with scissors or a razor knife.
Pentens HP-023 High Pressure Crack Injection Machine
Pentens continuously develops and refines Crack Injection Systems and recommendations. High Pressure Polyurethane is an important system used by thousands of applicators. Basic product knowledge helps users to reduce possible problems. The right injection technology should be identified before the project is started.
Epoxy injection resins usually “fail” in stopping active water leakage because of their slow reaction time and inability to bond to wet surfaces; this failure is resolved with the Pentens Polyurethane System.
Pentens PU-300 One Part Polyurethane Grouting
Concrete often cracks. It is inevitably recognized and experienced. Concrete construction requires construction joints and cold joints. All of these unwanted openings in concrete structures may cause very serious problems of water leakage.
Most of these problems can be economically solved by utilizing the Pentens High Pressure Injection Systems. Pentens PU-300 one part polyurethane grouting is 100% solvent free and 100% solids. Its have been proven to accomplish two major purposes: one is to stop water leakage permanently, and the other is to maintain or even restore design strength. Slabs on grade, construction or control joints, parking garages, manholes, tanks, dams, and many other structures can now be fixed permanently. Pentens PU-300 is approved for drinking water contact.